Using the kinect depth image and brightness threshold to detect button pressing in virtual 3d space. For the testing it is connected with four simple audiofile players.
[ylwm_vimeo height="400" width="600" ...
The lazy susan, controlled by visual NEck software. The arduino mega/uno is controlled via serial communication. He is connected to an uln2003 driver board and a 5v stepper motor. A webcam capture the rotating objects and ...
Using live video or movies, do contour detection with openCV and output the shape coordinates. take them and generate triangles in openGL. Build with openframeworks.
this image shows ...
After boring linear transformations for the effects in the Neck Software, it was time to change that. I create some LUTs for more action. including forms are triangle, jitter, sinus, random and freedrawing. ...
Python script for Cinema4D to import kinect sceleton data and map them to null objects. Each frame has is a single txt file with the coordinates in it. This script was also used in the first version of the nachtdigital 16 ...
Playing around with the arduino and two daisy chained TLC5940. These are some tests for creating an rgb led matrix installation. ...