Andy Wahrol inspired software, which creates images in the famous warhol style. Created for nachtdigital installation. Done with processing and maxmsp. Including time shift, to record 4 images and manipulate ...

Short trash movie for the kdj in 2011. Create a short movie from script to finish within 60h. The idea was a zombi invasion in jena. The inhabitants are fighting against the mummies.
Good News Bad News
art, motion design, shorts

Software for mapping visuals on cubes or flat rectangular shapes.
[ylwm_vimeo height="400" width="600" class="MYCUSTOMCLASS" portrait="false" ...
Cube Mapping Software
art, installations, software

Three thras short movies for the KDJ 2010.
[youtube_sc url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDC9_WdCW1M]
episode 01
[youtube_sc url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzbNID6adQ4]
episode 02
[youtube_sc ...
Trilogie Of Meat
art, motion design