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Participation at the Barcamp and Hackathon at CeBit 2014 in Hannover, Germany, where I tested the Udoo Board for feature requests. The idea behind it is collecting light data with some LDRs (light resistors) and the creation ...

Udoo Additive Light Synth

art, blog, hardware, software

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Green - red - green - blue - unvisible, then visible in red - green - invisible. That is the light installation at the lake. Controlled lights creating patterns and colors, matched to the music. An Arduino is ...


art, blog, hardware, installations, software

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BoB is a braitenberg inspired light search vehicle with a connected pen for drawing lines. It has two ldr's and it is steering in the direction of more light. It is not finished by now, i think it need an ultrasonic ...


art, blog, hardware, software

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experimenting with particles and attractors in openframeworks. the position data is send via OSC to a simple maxmsp patch, which creates the sound by 20 cycle objects. the x axis is the frequency and the y axis is the ...

Sound By Boids

blog, software

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Script to import kinect skeleton frame data into ae. It create a comp with the coordinates linked to nulls for each joint in 3D ...

Kinect To After Effects

blog, motion design, software

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Procedural image generating with openframeworks. The idea was born at the 1st january 2014, by driving home with the train. I saw a forest with many mistels. The software generates on button press the images in the dimension ...

Mistel In The Trees

art, blog, software

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Using the kinect depth image and brightness threshold to detect button pressing in virtual 3d space. For the testing it is connected with four simple audiofile players. [ylwm_vimeo height="400" width="600" ...

Virtual Audio Buttons

blog, software

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The lazy susan, controlled by visual NEck software. The arduino mega/uno is controlled via serial communication. He is connected to an uln2003 driver board and a 5v stepper motor. A webcam capture the rotating objects and ...

Rotation A

art, blog, hardware, software

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Using live video or movies, do contour detection with openCV and output the shape coordinates. take them and generate triangles in openGL. Build with openframeworks. this image shows ...

Video Triangulator

art, blog, software