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Lectorlandia Lectorlandia is a table, a projection, a visualization, a playground, a database, an idea, a feeling, and Lectorlandia is an interactive approach that brings people together! It was developed by Wijnand ...



art, installations, software

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These are some examples from the Li / Pu / ni / e / Fl / nk / äch / t / e installation at Nachtdigital 2014. The software creates random 3D patterns with simplified objects as brand: circles, cubes, triangles, and lines. ...

Li / Pu / ni / e / Fl / nk / äch / t / e Software


art, installations, software

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Short logo animation for URBANPIXELLAB! The animation was created by using Adobe After Effects and Adobe Premiere. The audio is provided by the artist Klemo (Cinemata member) from Berlin, ...

Urbanpixellab logo animation


motion design, shorts

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This is a VJ software called "NEck Mapping Software", which I designed myself. The software is based on MaxMSP and a java external for the mapping function. [ylwm_vimeo height="400" width="600" ...

NEck Mapping Software


installations, software

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We used the "NEck Mapping Software" to project visuals on a car. The installation is live performed! The people who came by were a bit confused but curious how this performance is possible and how visuals can be projected on ...

Car Mapping – a live performance!


installations, software

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Cinema4d python plugin to create splines like spheres. The creation is controlled by functions, so also other formes are possible. Tested with v12 and v13. Please feel free to download at the bottom and play with this ...

Splines Like Spheres C4D Plugin


art, motion design, software

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Playing with boids. Inspired by daniel shifmann and his nature of code book. Programmed in openframeworks and running on Win, Mac, Linux and Raspberry pi. The position data is send out via osc and reusable like in maxmsp for ...




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This is an edit which shows some of the last works done by urbanpixellab. It started with motion design( commercials, animations, experimental movies, short movies and more) added programming in( c++, java, javascript, ...

Urbanpixellab Demovideo


hardware, installations, motion design, software

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Experimental movie at an autumn storm. Capturing leafes of trees. Processing the movie with openCV in openframworks by detecting contours and creating triangles in openGL. The color is taken from the edge pixel of each ...

Autumn Leafes


art, motion design, shorts, software

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This is an experimental movie by using the video triangular software. The video was time lapsed recorder during the breakfast. The camera was a gopro hero3 mounted on an ikea egg timer. duration was ...

Breakfast With Cinemata Artist


art, motion design, software

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Software with 64 particles bouncing around and changing the velocity and color at collision to the border. Scale is controlled by the sound. This was done with ...

Audio Reactive Particles


art, software

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Teaser for the annual nachtdigital festival no 16. The first idea was to use the kinect data ant play with them in cinema4d, but it was to technical and should look like the last years, so it was time to make a new stop ...

Nachtdigital 16 Teaser


art, motion design